Pre-login settings

Thread Started By Drebin Dubious

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(Stolen From our dear @Zerothe10th website)

Chapter one: Pre-login Setting/  Covering your butt
Before you even use the viewer you have to take precautions to cover your butt, although the viewer itself is clean and there really is no chance of you getting banned from using it ,
It's always better to take precautions to prevent it than to go in without.
Better safe than sorry you know

To do that we will need to do the following
First you will need: An ALT account

You can use your main avatar for copy botting however I always say that is better to use your alt for the slim chance that you may get banned from a SIM via a security system or something stupid like that.

Once you have your alt created the next thing you will need to do is to spoof your settings, that's fancy talk for faking your credentials.

To do this, we will need to load up the viewer and press the spoof button at the bottom of the viewer's log-in screen.

Here you'll see a bunch of fancy items that will allow you to cover your butt with ease.

Now this menu may look a little frightening at first but once you really take a glance at it you'll understand what it's asking you to spoof.
So let's go down the line and I'll explain how everything works

Even I don't understand all the items in this menu however we don't need to know all of them all we just need to know are the settings for spoofing

At the bottom of the menu you'll see a section called spoof your Hardware ID and viewer version below

Very self explanatory

Here you will have your Mac ID
Your ID 0
The channel
And the version

The Mac ID it's a code generated by your internet hardware and Second Life it's a unique code that is made just for you. No two codes are the same

The same as for your ID 0
This is your hard drive code
Like the mac ID this is a unique code that is made for you it will not be identical to anyone else's
The channel section is what your viewer is broadcasting itself as
Basically what this is saying to the second life server is that this is a copy of firestorm
If you were to change it to something else, you run the risk of being blocked so it's best to leave it as is

Below that is the version
And you will see four inputs
Major minor patch and build
This is where you input what version of Firestorm you're using

After a while firestorm will block certain viewers from accessing Second Life this is how you change the what viewer you're on,
to keep up with the patches

For example they may release version 6. 2. 5000
And then after a few releases they'll release 6. 9. 2007
As a part of their policy they will block version 6. 2. 5000 from accessing Second Life as they deem it to obsolete and if your viewer is still saying version 6. 2. 5000
It won't be able to connect to Second Life

So here you'll be able to spoof the latest version
Even though your viewer is still on software version 6. 2. 5000
Now that you know what these buttons do. It's time to begin the spoofing.
which is a lot easier than you may think.

The first thing we will do is check the box for mac and id-0

Then we will press the R button a few times to generate a new code for us

We will leave the channel as is so it should say Firestorm release

As for the version you will go to The Firestorm website
Then go to its download section and find the current version
However they are changing their website at the time of me writing this so it may look a little different. As long as you have the four sets of numbers you should be good
Now this is how you input the numbers
The first number is the major,
The second is the minor
The third is the patch
And the fourth is the build
So if it looks like this
You would fill out the form like this
Major: 6
Minor: 2
Build: 4
Patch: 57588
575 is also acceptable for the pets in this case
Once you're done that your viewer is now properly spoofed you can now press okay and sign in

Covering your butt Part 2

Now. Spoofed we're still not out of the woods when it comes to covering our butt there are still ways that the viewer can be detected and you can be banned from a parcel or Sim.

One of the major ways of protecting yourself is to land in a sandbox or a place where you know there's no security
Then in your preferences disable any and all media, This includes live video streams and music.
When you go to a Sim and it asked you if you want to enable any of your media always always always always and once more always say no
This will protect you from those sneaky security systems that disguise themselves as a media output only to scan your viewer
Once you have those set you're now ready to use the viewer.
Now just a this won't protect you 100% there is still a slight chance a very very very very very slight chance you may get banned using it but I've been taking these precautions for years and as you can see I'm still here

Just be careful is all I'm saying.

Okay so now that we're done covering our butt it's time to use the magic that is Hydra..

Just wondering, I didn't see that option with the new hydrastorm, so how do we do it on there? I really want to use BoM. Please Drebin or anyone else?

there is no spoof button I can see on the hydrastorm screen?

You all never heard about the RedZone scandal? SecondLife does not agree with this type of Security Orb being used or sold.
A creator by the name of zFire Xue created such Security Orb called RedZone that was banning people by their IP address. Long story short he and his products got banned by the Lindens because they found it to be in violation of their Privacy Policy. He tried relaunching his product on a different account by the name of GreenZone and he got banned again and also jailed. The story is all over the internet.
Add CryptoDog to your viewer:

[To see links please register here]

tyvm Drebin !!!

What happeend to the spoof button? How do I spoof?

The spoof button is still there but at the bottom.  You might have to fool around with your resolution or try to scroll all the way down because some people have had issues seeing it.

(09-18-2021, 03:41 PM)biglunker Wrote:

[To see links please register here]

The spoof button is still there but at the bottom.  You might have to fool around with your resolution or try to scroll all the way down because some people have had issues seeing it.

Can you please screenshot where it is because I dont see it. I tried to resize with window and scroll down but nothing changes.

I also can't seem to find the spoof button at all, I've resized my window and bounced between versions of Hydrastorm. I swear it used to be there, and pretty obvious, but now its nowhere to be seen? Can somebody help?

[Image: 1639763992_ktSurED6DRe65LL.jpg]

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